Ko te whei ao, te ao marama - Tiihei Mauriora!!
E ngaa iwi, e ngaa hapuu, e ngooku rangatira o te motu, nau mai koutou ki Aratiatia Community Marae at Fairfield College
Ko Aratiatia te marae
Ko Te Ihorangi te whare
Ko Kukutaaruhe te rohe
Ko Ngaati Wairere te mana whenua
Ko Marawaatea te kura
Welcome one and all to our website for Aratiatia Community Marae at Fairfield College
We hope to keep you up to date, update you and entice you to return, visit, stay and/reconnect with our beautiful Whare and accommodating Marae.
For all enquiries please contact the Kaitiaki Marae - Eddie Neha at either 078535660 or nehae@faircol.school.nz